Star Trek meets The Flintstones. Animated Movies. Looks like they've set out to do a parody of every episode of all three seasons of the original series. Free Time, the Final Frontier.
Star Trek was brilliant and should not be spoofed. Is nothing sacred any more?
Fascinating Captain, sensors are detecting high concentrations of sarcasm in the atmosphere.
I really do think there were some smart episodes. I like the episodes that dealt with big ideas, like what is life? Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from miracles. What does it mean to be human? What is right and wrong? Save a race from extinction or follow the prime directive.
Prime Directive
you're right. there's alot to think about in some of them. and some stabs at some pretty lofty morality and cultural issues. imagine how our own history would be different if early explorers had a prime directive to protect non "civilized" folks. Of course, the act of defining "civilized" or "advanced" peoples creates a very slippery slope in the first place- unfortunately, there was quite a bit of racism and sexism built into the shows: Worf and Geordi, the black guys, have to be the muscle and the guy in the boiler room, shovelling anti-matter into the warp core. And blind. Geordi Wonder. Sheesh. At least Voyager and DS9 were a little less Anglocentric. And ever notice how the humans in the future are suppossedly advanced and tolerant- when every alien species represents an aspect of human discord (Ferengi- greed, Klingons- ferocity, Romulans- sneakiness, Cardasians- political oppression, the Borg- corporate assimilation, etc. etc.) It's easy to embrace a higher calling when you're constantly facing off against blatant metaphorical bugaboos.
All excellent observations.
must... roll... saving throw... versus... verbal attack...
AHA! 16! No Damage!
...Now who's the geek!
Sara, have you no affection for geeks?
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