Riding the Scree

The rocks are tumbling all around me.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Science Versus The Vampire

Florida physics professor Costas Efthimiou mathematically disproves vampires.

Take this Goth Dorks!

Efthimiou's debunking logic: On Jan 1, 1600, the human population was 536,870,911. If the first vampire came into existence that day and bit one person a month, there would have been two vampires by Feb. 1, 1600. A month later there would have been four, and so on. In just two-and-a-half years the original human population would all have become vampires with nobody left to feed on.

A blurb on The Onion remarks, "This news will likely hit The Count the hardest. Destroyed by the very numbers he loves."



Blogger Dedwarmo said...

Yeah, but, what if Vampire killers killed one vampire a day, huh?

9:40 AM  
Blogger Henry said...

i guess that slays that theory.
...and, of course, some would be lost to their eternal bloody war versus The Frankensteins!

7:42 PM  
Blogger mercuryshade said...

But what if the vampire only needed blood every century? From a virgin. Three times before Halloween. From a guy named Mark Kendall. (but not the guitarist from Great White) Where's the math for this, huh? What you know about vampires would fill an atom sized piece of toilet paper.

4:02 PM  

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