Riding the Scree

The rocks are tumbling all around me.

Friday, January 19, 2007

The End Is Slightly More Nigh

The Doomsday Clock has been moved up 2 minutes. We are now at five minutes to midnight... where midnight means nuclear war and where minutes are somewhat arbitrary and meaningless and move back and forth like we're knee-deep in a Star-Trekish temporal anomaly.

This higgledy-piggledy up is expressed in the chart below.

I've decided to devise a Doomsday Calendar system, where February 17, 1992 is the Final Day Of Our Meaningless Existence. (Relatively sure this was one of the projected doomsdates of the Seventh Day Adventists. It is also my sister's birthday).

In my system, we are now at May 4, 2019, having shot right past D-Day. But at the drop of the geo-political hat, we could slingshot back in time to August 1, 1988, merely a few years away from total nuclear annihilation. Then forward to September 20, 1990, then back to April 8, 1963. Next thing you know, North Korea wags a 20-kiloton warhead at us and we're there, February 12, 1992. 5 Days. Just a work-week away from total mutual assured destruction. (Which is no longer necessarily mutual, assured, nor is the destruction likely total.)

It could happen. Keep your noses clean, kids. Jesus is on his way and he looooves new-ku-ler radiation.

Keeps him nice 'n sterile.


Blogger Dedwarmo said...

Seriously, do you think any country has the right to build nuclear weapons? I kind of think that sovereign nations should be allowed to possess any kind of weapons they choose. Maybe I'm naive.

11:32 AM  
Blogger Henry said...

...the right to build them, sure. But they're ridiculously expensive (for something that ideally is only a deterent, never to be actually used), dangerous, hard to store and dispose of-- and the use of which is so toxic and destructive that no one in their right mind could dream up the circumstances in which they'd be an appropriate option (in my humble opinion).
They've got a lot working against them.
But strong-arming other nations into acting against what they feel is in their best interest doesn't quite sit well with me... then again, Kim Jong Il with nukes REALLY doesn't sit well with me either.

7:06 AM  

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