Tired of being known for fair and balanced reporting, as well as highly dignified commentary,
The Fox News Channel has recently launched a sophomoric retort to Comedy Central's The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.
The Half Hour News Hour
(sigh), "a giant stinking turd of an excuse for politcal satire" according to
Comedy Central, seeks do to the Left what The Daily Show does to the Right. A sneak peek of the first episode skewers Barack Obama for having "Hussein" as a middle name, for being popular, and for having the hilarious initials "B.O." They also use Obama's recent admission of cocaine use in his youth as the springboard for a Marion Barry joke! Delivered poorly and really really dated! If they wanted to be as edgy and honest as the Daily Show, they'd have used our current
Commander-In-Chief's history of substance abuse as the punchline. Because, for all its liberal bias, The Daily Show doesn't pull punches when the Dems do stupid shit... they're not anti-Republican as much as they're anti-stupid out-of-touch ridiculously hypocritical political discourse. THHNH sacrifices both humor and insight for the sake of towing the party line.
Oh sure, THHNH may very likely do well among its pre-existing Fox constituency, because it says the same sorts of things that Sean Hannity says, just in the guise of an uncharismatic version of SNL's Weekend Update. But if you want really well-done biting political satire, you'll have to stick with the pros at
The Daily Show and
The Colbert Report.
If you want news, on the other hand, you should.... well, you probably should avoid Fox in either case.
Labels: comedy, politics