Riding the Scree

The rocks are tumbling all around me.

Thursday, January 12, 2006



Star Trek meets The Flintstones. Animated Movies. Looks like they've set out to do a parody of every episode of all three seasons of the original series. Free Time, the Final Frontier.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Exploding Dog

Just stumbled onto a great site. explodingdog.com. People send titles, and he does drawings. The title that inspired the one I have posted is "who did this?" Some pretty funny/cute/interesting stuff. He does it all in photoshop and even has downloadable sample psd's so you can pull apart the layers and see how he built everything. Pretty nifty stuff. Send in some titles, maybe he'll pick yours! Click on the Title Above to visit the link. Enjoy!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Violent New Link

I'm adding a new link... killingthebuddha.com, here's an selection from their manifesto....

The idea of "killing the Buddha" comes from a famous Zen line, the context of which is easy to imagine: After years on his cushion, a monk has what he believes is a breakthrough: a glimpse of nirvana, the Buddhamind, the big pay-off. Reporting the experience to his master, however, he is informed that what has happened is par for the course, nothing special, maybe even damaging to his pursuit. And then the master gives the student dismaying advice: If you meet the Buddha, he says, kill him.

Why kill the Buddha? Because the Buddha you meet is not the true Buddha, but an expression of your longing. If this Buddha is not killed he will only stand in your way.

Why Killing the Buddha ? For our purposes, killing the Buddha is a metaphor for moving past the complacency of belief, for struggling honestly with the idea of God. As people who take faith seriously, we are endlessly amazed and enraged that religious discourse has become so bloodless, parochial and boring. Any God worth the name is none of these things. Yet when people talk about God they are talking mainly about the Buddha they meet. For fear of seeming intolerant or uncertain, or just for lack of thinking, they talk about a God too small to be God.

Killing the Buddha is about finding a way to be religious when we're all so self-conscious and self-absorbed. Knowing more than ever about ourselves and the way the world works, we gain nothing through nostalgia for a time when belief was simple, and even less from insisting that now is such a time. Killing the Buddha will ask, How can we be religious without leaving part of ourselves at the church or temple door? How can we love God when we know it doesn't matter if we do? Call it God for the godless. Call it the search for a God we can believe in: A God that will not be an embarrassment in twelve-thousand years. A God we can talk about without qualifications.

Friday, January 06, 2006

any guesses?

what google search brought up this poor creature?

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


May the Force be with you. Make it so, Number One.
Talk about capturing the moment!
It appears to be a really good match.
Slut, I hope you enjoy yourself everyday. You too, Henry.
May you kiss together last a lifetime.
Hope to be shiny in your future.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Best Day Ever

Last night about a grillion people gathered together, counting backwards to usher in the most significant day of the year. January 1st. The Anniversary of the Birth of Nisha Kim Coffey, aka my adorable wife, aka Loo Loo, aka lots of silly names. While she was born half a world away, in Daegu, Korea, and so, in actuality, a day earlier than this hemisphere's New Year's Day, it felt right to count it down in East Coast realtime here. And even though back in 1975 the world didn't know exactly when she was arriving, I think that, if they had known that the greatest, sweetest, truest, most beautiful human ever was about to be born, the counting would've been louder, the music a little happier, the crowds a little more enthralled. I like to think that I, 2 and a half at the time, filled my diaper with extra enthusiasm at that moment, helping usher in a new era, or at least a new life that would change and make better the lives of everyone around her. Thanks, Loo. We love you. Happy 31st.