Riding the Scree

The rocks are tumbling all around me.

Thursday, June 28, 2007


...and 2 right feet... and an extra pair of ears sliding around on her second head. Yep, for those who don't yet know... we're pregnant. 11 weeks and 2 days...

which looks something like this...

I'm so excited I could wet my pants. Nisha might also wet her pants, but for different reasons. Also, she's been really sick, so be extra nice to her if you see her.

Whenever I'm Down...

...I visit Boy On A Stick & Slither. It's both the most optimistic and most pessimistic humor site I've ever found. It's very observant and insightful, and there's something sweet and resilient and cynical about it that puts BOASAS in it's own sepcial category. Great great stuff. Here are a few samples...


This week's blatant, and self-serving, plug is for SideShow Labs. They specialize in web design, interactive and identity work... and have recently added print services to their list of goodies for sale. And, yes, I am part of this new print arm of the biz. So I am biased. But check out the site anyway. And if you happen to need some sort of design work... drop a line.